Manifest your desires and create the juicy, delicious life you crave through the feminine power of pleasure.

Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when enrollment opens!

    You’re in the right place at the right moment because you know…

    ⭐️ You have the all the status symbols of success but you’re still not satisfied.

    ⭐️ You’re tired of living up to other people’s expectations and you’re ready to start living for yourself.

    ⭐️ You feel physical or emotional pain at the thought of your life continuing exactly the way it is now

    ⭐️ You want to create a life you don’t need an escape from, a life of joy, fulfillment, comfort, and ease.


    What you're really craving is ✨PLEASURE✨

    the personal satisfaction, joy, ease, comfort, and peace that you thought you would come with all the accomplishments and success.

    What might happen if you stopped focusing on who you SHOULD be and what you SHOULD do and stepped into being, doing, and having all those things that bring you joy, light you up, and just feel right?

    Any of these hit close to home? 🏡

    • Do you identify as a Black woman or femme?

    • Are you wondering what you want to do with your life and struggling to come up with clear answers?

    • Have you felt stagnant, like life is passing you by but you don't know how to get unstuck?

    • Do you have all the material things and worldly success that anyone would love to have, but you still feel empty, bored, or uninspired?

    • Does scrolling social media make you feel a way because it seems like everybody is living the dream except you?

    • Have you done so much and tried so hard for little to no return?

    • Would you jump at the chance to escape the same old day-to-day routine week after week, month after month, year after year?

    • Are you afraid of what might be waiting for you outside your comfort zone?

    • Have you tried everything to manifest your desires and haven't seen any changes in your life?

    • Would you love to have someone tell you exactly what to do so you can do, be, and have everything that you desire?

    • Are you ready to finally live in a way that aligns with who you really are, what you really believe, and what you really want?

    If you answer "yes" to any of these, Pleasure Prep School was literally made for you.

    Your soul is begging for you to remember who you really are and what you really want.

    You're craving a life that is beautiful, comfortable, easy, peaceful, and fun. The life you've created for yourself doesn't feel as good as it may look from the outside. You put on a smile knowing deep down you want more. Deep down, you know that something major is missing. You will soon see how your body, mind, and spirit have always been trying to lead you towards everything you desire and deserve.

    Pleasure Prep School is here to show you the way.

    What Happens in Pleasure Prep School?

    Everything you need to know about what the program is about and why it's perfect for you.

    Pleasure Prep School is a learning community created by Black Girl Bliss, an educational platform that has published bestselling books on sensuality, spirituality, and self-care and helped nearly 100,000 Black women and femmes create more joy, satisfaction, ease, comfort, peace, love, and bliss in every area of their lives.

    This self-guided program was uniquely designed to NOT be a "one size fits all" set of tips and tricks, but provide you with the skills, tools, and resources for your specific needs and desires. This is the only program of its kind that exists for Black women and femmes to create the juicy, delicious lives they crave through the power of pleasure.

    Inside the PPS portal, you'll find pre-recorded videos and downloadable sheets for each five courses in the program. Each course in released in order so that you learn the information in a way that makes sense and can be applied to your life immediately (If you need a syllabus to help you move through the program, we got you!). In addition to the learning that happens in each course of the program, you will also have regular live calls in the private PPS community to ask questions and get support. There will be additional live sessions to help you with processing and releasing burnout, stress, frustration, fear, and overwhelm (which are perfectly natural when you consider that you are changing your entire life!) and help you to get cozy and comfortable inside your pleasure practices.

    All recordings for live calls and sessions will be added to the PPS portal and you will retain life access to everything inside the portal, including any future updates and bonuses.

    We make the path to pleasure clear and easy to follow.

    Here is the roadmap to the life of your dreams:


    Remember who you were before the world told you who you had to be. Reclaiming the parts of yourself that you denied in order to be the "good girl".


    Release everything you were taught about what is realistic, acceptable, appropriate, important, and"ladylike".


    Redefine what achievement and success mean to you and reimagining what's possible when you step onto the path of your highest potential.


    Review our three-step formula to start designing a life that feels as good as it looks.


    Refresh every area of your life to ensure that it is optimized for pleasure.

    What do you get when you join?

    Everything you need to reset your beliefs about what’s possible for you, manifest all that you desire and deserve, and confidently step into the life you were meant to live.

    Course 1: SOVEREIGN 👑

    • Uncovering who you were before you were told who to be

    • Meeting and listening to your inner child

    • Uncovering the root of your fears, self-sabotage, and inaction

    • Unlearn what you believe makes you worthy of all you desire

    • The blueprint to stepping into your authority as co-creator of your life experience

    Course 2: THE MIRROR 🪞

    • Changing your story around who you are, what you believe, what you want, and what you deserve

    • Forgiving yourself for what happened before you knew better

    • Understanding your Dark Feminine energy and how to use it for your benefit

    • Learn what beliefs and behaviors are holding you back and why they’re so hard to kick

    Course 3: DREAM YOUR BLISS🌙

    • Moving through discomfort and creating new beliefs around what’s possible for you

    • Imagining the life of your dreams

    • Dealing with disbelief and skepticism

    • Redefining what it looks like to be successful

    Course 4: MASTERPIECE 🎨

    • Creating your Pleasure Plan to design your new life

    • Activities and games to play to practice experiencing pleasure

    • How to let emotions (especially anger and envy) lead you toward your desires

    • Learning the secret behind manifesting your desires as quickly as possible

    • Mastering our 3-Step Pleasure Process


    • Making pleasure part of who you are, not just what you do

    • Experiencing pleasure as your new normal

    • Strengthening your confidence in living differently than people around you

    • Stepping into your juicy, delicious new reality

    Your pleasure is our priority.

    We've got ✨BONUSES✨ to keep you growing and learning as you do the work to create a life you love.

    Get one-on-one attention and group support to unpack what you're learning and celebrate your success as well as guided meditation and movement practices to help you process and purge emotions and energy that is not serving you and embody the pleasure that you seek.


    Live Q+A and Mind/Body Sessions

    The PPS Library will house all downloads, frequently asked questions, additional supports for mental and emotional wellbeing, journal prompts, book lists, vetted service provider lists, and access to all future bonuses, including masterclasses with guest teachers, gift giveaways, and specialty workshops based on the interests and needs of the community.


    Resource Library

    Connection, accountability, and like-minded classmates on the journey. You will get to learn alongside people who are sharing your experiences, supporting and celebrating each other as you create the lives you desire and deserve.


    Private PPS Community

    PLUS: TWO brand new, never-before-offered workshops!


    Design with Desire

    Learn how to build your life around what you want to experience through researched-based design principles that are the secret behind why tech startups grow so big and see so much success so quickly.


    Destiny Fulfilled

    We don’t dream of labor. Here’s what we do instead: we figure out our purpose in life, exactly what gifts and talents we have been blessed with, and how we are meant to use those to serve the world (and it just so happens that when you're walking in your purpose, the money and fulfillment just jump out!).

    You’ve Got Options


    for 5 months




    save $250, get a special gift, and support our scholarship program!


    What is Black Girl Bliss? Who created this?

    Black Girl Bliss (BGB) is an educational platform created in 2015, celebrating and cultivating the practice of radical self-care amongst Black women and femmes. Our books, workshops, and courses teach Black women and femmes to harness the feminine power of pleasure that gives us the energy and ability to be, do, and have all that we desire and deserve. You can learn more about us at

    This program has been something I've wanted to give you since I created Black Girl Bliss in 2015. It literally hurts my feelings when I see Black women and femmes resign to a life of work, struggle, and dissatisfaction because I know that we are all meant to experience more joy, satisfaction, ease, comfort, peace, love, and bliss than we can even imagine.

    I know what it's like to do all the right things - earn the impressive degrees, get the good job, have the gorgeous home, the perfect partner, achieve all the other symbols of "success" - and still feel like "this ain't it, this can't be all there is to life, there has to be more out there to experience before the end of this life".

    I created Pleasure Prep School to deliver more than your typical "think good thoughts" and "be positive" teachings that other platforms and programs deliver. I am invested in your transformation and making this journey towards your highest potential as fun and easy as possible. My mission is to help you make pleasure a way of life, not just an occasional event.

    If you are looking for the ultimate guide to experiencing all the things that you desire every single day of your life - the career, the romantic partner, the wealth, the health, the happiness, and anything else - it is all waiting for you inside of Pleasure Prep School.

    I am so grateful to have been able to serve almost 100,000 women and femmes through the power of pleasure, changing the trajectory of their lives and their entire lineages by changing patterns of behavior and belief that kept them stuck and unfulfilled.

    If you trust me, take my hand, and we'll dive in together to change your life forever. Your future self and all who you encounter will be blessed because you decided to center your pleasure and step into your power. I can't wait to see you inside!

    Hi there! I am the creator of the Black Girl Bliss brand and the Pleasure Prep School program. I am a teacher and writer by nature and by training and I love using my gifts to improve the lives of people I love most. While I won't be your only guide through this program, this program is based on all that I've experienced and learned from my own life, the women in my life, and the women that I've been in community with through BGB and other circles. 

    Obsessed with your success

    Pleasure Prep School is dedicated to serving you on your journey to pleasure and return to your power.

    So, you're thinking about joining Pleasure Prep School but you're still hesitant. You don't know if it will work for you. You don't know if this will be more fluff-filled woo-woo nonsense that you won't get anything out of. You want to trust that Pleasure Prep School will be different from the other experiences you've had and that you will actually see results. 

    The heart of the Black Girl Bliss mission is authenticity, transparency, and sharing knowledge and experiences so that Black women and femmes don't have to continue to learn lessons the hard way. We are committed to giving you everything you need to create the life you desire and deserve; no upsells, no gatekeeping, no additional programs to purchases once you're inside Pleasure Prep School. We plan to deliver on our promises to help you experience mind-blowing transformation in every area of your life.

    Being afraid to invest in your desires is what has likely brought you here in the first place. Don't you want to try something different? Can you see how everything you have experienced has culminated in this moment, leading you to the very edge of your endless capability to experience all the wonderful things life has for you? Do you trust that you are being divinely led down the path of your destiny and that your inner knowing is gently pushing you towards the very things that will change your life as you know it?

    Bliss requires bravery. 

    Fear of the unknown will keep you stuck in your comfort zone, unhappy, unfulfilled, and uninspired.  When you have the courage to finally say "enough is enough" and decide to make different choices, ones that serve you instead of keeping you stuck, you will see how everything around you aligns with your desire to create a new experience in this physical realm.

    We already know what happens when you prioritize and pursue pleasure and finally step into your power to be, do, and have all that you desire and deserve. We want you to see and experience it for yourself.

    Still got questions? We’ve got answers!

    • No. If you identify as anything other than Black and non-male, this is not the workshop for you. Should anyone try to “sneak in” to the program, they will be removed, blocked, and will not be refunded. Please don’t make this weird for everyone. This is a safe space that we fiercely protect since we have precious few of them.

    • The first class of Pleasure Prep School becomes available September 5, 2022.

    • The full price of Pleasure Prep School is $2000. We offer a Pay In Five plan that allows you to make five payments of $500. Paying in full saves you $500 and supports our program scholarship fund.

    • You get access to: (1) five full courses with multiple lessons, downloadable playsheets, and other tools and activities to help you learn (2) live Q+A calls and Mind/Body sessions where you can ask any questions you have about what you’re learning and learn methods to process your emotions, release stagnant energy, and embody your pleasure (3) the private PPS community where you can be supported and celebrated on this journey (4) A resource library full of all kinds of downloads, FAQs, supports for mental and emotional wellbeing, and all current and future bonuses (5) lifetime access to all learning materials and community for as long as PPS exists

    • Once you complete your enrollment, you’ll get a welcome email inviting you to our community where you’ll find more information on the schedule of our calls and how to access the courses and other learning materials.

    • That is completely dependent on you, your desires, and the efforts you put towards your pleasure practice. It can be as quick as you'd like it to be...but we recommend the slow and steady approach. It's much more fun that way. Less pressure, more pleasure.

    • No worries. During the program, you'll come up with ideas that make sense for you and your life. There is no pressure to "get it right" on the first try, and you can always change your mind and explore in a new direction.

    • Pleasure Prep School is self-paced. While the content is released to you on a set schedule, you can go through the material as quickly or as slowly as you desire. There is no set end date for Pleasure Prep School. You're finished when you feel like you have gotten all that you need in order to create the life you desire and deserve.

    • Nope. Though we believe physical intimacy and sensuality (grown folks activities!) can be a gateway or entry point to pleasure, this is only ONE of many ways to engage and explore your personal satisfaction and joy.

    • Nope! The same topics will be covered in the program, so you won't be missing anything. Feel free to read the books alongside your experience in PPS if you so choose, but it's not mandatory!

    • Yes and no. Do we teach you that all you have to do is be positive and think good thoughts and you'll attract everything you want? No. Do we teach you how to create a life for yourself that feels the way you want it to feel and cultivate the energy that allows you to be, do, and have all that you desire? Yes.

    • There is not a single situation that exists that cannot be alleviated through prioritizing and pursing pleasure. Everything that we teach will only enhance your energy and power to be, do, and have all that you desire and deserve.

    • Due to the nature of digital products and the immediacy of their delivery and availability, we do not offer refunds on our programs. When you purchase, it is assumed that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms. Any fraudulent chargebacks will result in you being banned from all BGB platforms and programs in the future.

    • Email with PPS QUESTION in the subject line. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.

    If you’re looking for a sign, this is it.

    You’ve made it this far. Might as well go all the way right?